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What Are My Options for Tooth Replacement?

Losing a tooth is challenging enough. At True Dentistry, we make finding a dental treatment for your specific needs easier. There are a variety of solutions for tooth replacement, and our team can help you figure out what is best for you. 

Our practice offers a wide range of options to replace missing teeth, with the most popular solution being dental implants. Dental implants can address a single missing tooth or multiple missing teeth. Customized to provide the best possible fit and appearance, they are designed to fuse to the jawbone in order to ensure stability, functionality, and longevity. 

Dental implants offer many benefits, including the ability to: 

  • Improve chewing and speaking abilities
  • Permanently replace missing teeth 
  • Restore teeth with no additional maintenance other than standard brushing and flossing required 
  • Prevent implant-supported dentures from slipping or shifting
  • Produce results that look and feel natural 
  • Improve one’s overall facial appearance

Some individuals are better candidates for dental implants than others. Our dentists may recommend a different treatment if you do not have adequate jawbone density to support a dental implant. Ideal candidates should have the following qualifications: 

  • Healthy gum tissue (periodontal treatment may be necessary prior to a dental implant procedure to improve gum health) 
  • A fully developed jawbone
  • Sufficient jawbone density in the area of the missing tooth to accommodate a dental implant
  • Reasonably good overall health

True Dentistry also offers All-On-4® implant dentures. This method can be perfect for those who are missing full rows of their upper and/or lower teeth. The All-on-4® method uses an “anchored” denture that can take the place of traditional dentures. This technique is considered a much stronger option for tooth replacement. Without the need for dental adhesives, and with less risk of dentures shifting or slipping along the gums, the All-on-4® technique can be more convenient for patients who are replacing multiple teeth. It can also provide results that look, feel, and function very much like natural teeth. This method also allows for improved dental hygiene and doesn’t require excessive dietary restrictions—you should be able to eat many of the foods you love without worrying about denture slippage. 

For patients looking for alternatives to dental implant-based treatments, a standard dental bridge may be the most ideal solution. Dental bridges can quite literally “bridge the gap” created by one or more missing teeth in an isolated area of the mouth. These treatments can be excellent remedies for patients who may not be candidates for dental implants. 

For more information about dental implants, All-On-4® implant dentures, or other restorative dentistry options, please view the pages on our website that are dedicated to those treatments. If you have questions, or if you are ready to schedule a consultation, please contact us today!